Wednesday 5 February 2014

Kristina Webb 2

So a while a go, I did a post all about the extremely popular Kristina Webb and it has ended up being my most viewed post to date. Since then she has created lot more artwork and considering it is my most popular post, I thought I'd share a few more of her new creations..
*Tangled is one of my most favourite movies ever (top three with Peter Pan and Aladdin) so I love this*
*This drawing is absolutely beautiful, I really support the whole "Love is Love" thing.*
*Very relatable aha*
*I strongly urge you all to go onto Kristina's Instagram (@colour_me_creative) and watch this video. It is a short animation made up of 12 of her hand drawn pictures!* 

I love all Kristina's work, she is so incredibly talented and creative and writing this post has motivated me to try and practice drawing.
Hope you all enjoyed it! I hope to be blogging a little more frequently now, sorry for the long absence.

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