Thursday, 4 July 2013

The Four Strand Braid

Aloha! I thought I'd share a hair tutorial with the world today. I also thought that a could tutorial would be the four strand braid as not many people know how to do it but it's actually sooo easy! I apologise in advance if my explanation isn't particularly good! 

1. Bring all your hair to one side and start off by sectioning your hair into 4 equal (ish) sections. The best way to do this is to split it in two and then split those two in half.

2. To do the braid, take section A over section B then under C and finally, over D. A will now be The last section and B will be the first. Repeat the same steps taking B over C under D and over A. Essentially you are just weaving one section through the rest. Continue this process until you reach the end of you hair and tie with a hair bobble.

This should be the final result. If you want you can gently pull on the braid to make it thicker.
Here are some better photos of the final result

The four strand braid is great because it's so simple but I rarely see people with it in so it looks really unique. Once your used to doing it it doesn't take long at all and it looks like you've spent ages doing it when you really haven't! It just switches up your hair and makes it a little different from the usual three strand braid.

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