Thursday, 18 July 2013

Summer bucket List

This year I decided to make a summer bucket list for the first time ever. Most will be but if you are not familiar with the concept of a bucket list then it is a list of things you really want to do over a period of time whether like mine it is summer or it could be your whole life. Things on your bucket list are things you personally want to do and try and they are different to you're summer plans. You don't just write a list of your plans like go shopping. I made a bucket list as I saw a girl on instagram made one and I considers making one. My friend Kendal then told me that she was planning on making one so we decided to sort of make them together. We plan to do a lot together as our lists are very similar but there are things I have that she doesn't and things she has that I don't. I've written out my list and I'm super excited to try and do all the things on the list! Every time I do something off the list I'm going to take a photo and after summer I'm going to put them all into a big summer scrap book. I want to document my summer this year as its something I've never done properly before. Also I always end up so bored in summer so I'm hoping that with I'm bucket list I'm going to have things to do. I'm going to blog and maybe vlog my summer and just do little video clips from it. I'm so excited to share my summer!
I have a lot more pages than this! I seriously cannot wait to try and do all 72 things on my list and share it all with you lot! I would encourage anyone to make a bucket list for over summer because it means that im going to be a lot less bored and I will enjoy my summer much more and its so exciting! And I only have one more day at school until summer! I hope you liked this post and enjoy seeing what I get up to over summer! 
(also, my writing isn't usually this messy)
Thank you! :* xx

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