1. What's your favourite holiday movie?
This is such a difficult first question! I absolutely love all the great Christmas films. Like everyone else on the planet I love Elf (seriously, who doesn't?) I also really like the Rudolph movie which I don't think many people know about...
I've watched this movie pretty much every Christmas since I was little but we only had it on video so a few years ago my mum went on this huge search on te internet to find it on DVD and she succeeded, yay! The polar express is also a favourite, to be honest if it's Christmas related I'll probably love it! Oo and the Christmas beauty and te beast is great!
2. What's your favourite Christmas colour?
When I think of Christmas and colours associated with it I automatically think of red and green so I'd say that. I love all te pretty multicoloured lights though.
3. Do you like to stay in your pjs (it actually said pjs so don't judge me) or dress up for Christmas?
I am definitely one for dressing up. Every year we do the same traditions for Christmas and go to my grandma's house for dinner so I dress up then and then get into my pyjamas quite early I guess and watch the cute Christmas specials and then stay the night at my gran's. So I guess I dress up but not over the top as we just stay in.
4. If you could buy one person a present this year, who would it be?
This is pretty tricky but I guess I'd buy a present for my family to share like chocolates? Or something better than chocolates but I can't think off the top of my head.
5. Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
Christmas mornin obviously!! Who opens them on Christmas Eve? I tend to open my grandma's present on Christmas Eve as I can thank her because she comes round on Christmas Eve.
6. Have you ever built a gingerbread house?
I sure have! And a gingerbread train which we got a kit for and I was quite pleased with the result of it. I tend to leave the Christmas baking to my mum though.
7. What do you like to do on your Christmas break?
A lot of Christmassy things like watch Christmas movies, snuggle up by fire with hot chocolate and blankets, read and go out place with friends like ice skating (my favourite is the outdoor ones). I like to do a lot I guess but at the same time it's mainly relaxing.
8. Any Christmas wishes?
I haven't at the moment but I guess I will but it's not really a tradition I have or follow.
9. Favourite Christmas smell?
This is super easy for me! I absolutely love the smell of real Christmas trees but only my grandma has one but I love it. I also love the smell of Christmas treats and all the things you smell when you go out.
10. Favourite Christmas meal or treat?
For meals I love the traditional roast dinner (which is a bit strange as usually I don't like them that much but I guess anything else on Christmas Day would be weird). Obviously I have a huge sweet tooth so I love the Christmassy treats.
I hope you enjoyed my little Christmas tag and I look forward to sharing another one with you soon! Hopefully I will do some more Christmassy post on the lead up to Christmas!! I'm super excited!